Tuesday, November 24, 2009


So the other day I asked Ryan to come to Migros (our grocery store) with me. I asked him to grab some cash before we left. He asked "Is 60 Lira enough?" And I replied "That's MORE then enough! Our groceries are never more than 40 Lira!" But Ryan being Mr. Prepared still brought the 60 Lira. We did our shopping which was not any more then we usually buy. There was only one extra thing I had added which was face wipes. We get to the check out stand which is already an ordeal. You don't realize how difficult it is to bag your own groceries AND try to communicate with someone in a foreign language. We finish bagging our groceries and the girl told us the total. As usual we didn't understand and so I asked her to show us the computer screen. 81.14 Lira!! WHAT? Ryan and I looked at each other in shear panic. I looked back at her and was trying to explain that we needed to take some things off of the total. When I looked back to talk to Ryan HE IS GONE! I was so confused! Had he left me because he was so embarrassed? What was going on! She wasn't understanding what I was saying so I just put the groceries in a cart and stood there trying to figure out what to do. Just when I was about to break down Ryan comes SPRINTING up and throws her another 40 Lira. He had run all the way home, gone up to the 16th floor, grabbed the cash and come all the way back within 5 minutes! It was amazing and hilarious all at the same time! Even the girl was laughing! I was so relieved. Yet again Ry guy comes to the rescue! This is something we will never forget and have still been laughing about for 3 days! The joys of living in a Foreign Country!


Ashley Hardison said...

I love all the stories you have. I bet there is never a dull moment being in a foreign country.

Cambria said...

OH MY GOODNESS- I would have broken down way before that hahha, I struggle. miss you!

Lindsey S. said...

haha I wouldn't have any idea what to do! Good thing he came to the rescue.

Rob said...

Jess- I totally blog stock you. i am betsy conkin-petersons sister, and i am living in china, and i agree that shopping in another country is one of the hardest things EVER, i loved this story.

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