Thursday, February 4, 2010

Road Trip

When my family came to Turkey to visit we took a little road trip! Ryan had an away game in a place called Antalya so we decided to go on a little adventure for a few days. We started off in Izmir and went to Ephesus. We then drove from Ephesus to a little place called Dalyan. Spent the night and drove to Antalya the next morning. It ended up being about a 6 hour drive total but it was fun from beginning to end!

The "Nike!" supposedly this is where the symbol of Nike came from. Who knows if it's true but supposedly the Goddess would take off and fly like a "swoosh!"
Sitting on the pot! Guess back then there wasn't much privacy!
Leaving a wish on the wall
The Virgin Mary's house
Laying on the incredibly sandy beach!

Dinner in Antalya

It was so much fun to have Cody and Alycia come to Turkey. They were so adventurous and excited to see everything! They made everything even more fun!
The Bizarre in Antalya
After Ryan's game!

Our driver took us by his sisters house on the way home and she gave us honey from her bees!

Eating lunch at our driver's wife's restaurant. AMAZING food!
It was such a fun road trip and I saw so many new things I haven't seen yet living here in Turkey! Thanks for the fun trip mom and dad!

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