Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Sunday

We had a fabulous Easter Sunday! I always love Easter.

 Asher loved his first Easter basket filled with bubbles, stickers, chocolate, crackers, a bow tie, balls and a new toy!

 Of course, he immediately bit into the Kinder Surprise egg!  He had a mouthful of foil and chocolate accompanied by a very confused face.
 a lollipop!

 I was determined ( I mean the Easter bunny) to find Asher a bowtie.  Ever since Benton (my nephew) started sporting his awesome bowties I wanted Asher to follow the trend.

 Church was a little different this week. We had it at...OUR HOUSE!  The Hunter's (the humanitarian couple missionaries) are out of town leaving us with no place to have church.  I decided it would be fun to have it at our house and then have Easter brunch!  A family of five was visiting from Ankara which was great because Asher loved the kids.  I didn't even touch Asher the whole meeting because he was occupied with being fed crackers and following the kids around.  It was a great meeting and Easter Sunday wouldn't be the same without church.  We had fast and testimony meeting and we were able to reflect upon the meaning of Easter.  I am so grateful that the Savior sacrificed his life for us.  And how wonderful that we get to celebrate his resurrection.  It was an absolutely beautiful day outside and I couldn't stop thinking about what an amazing day that must have been when Christ was resurrected.  On another note,  who can tell me where the Easter bunny even came from? I am always so curious about who started the "festivities" of holidays.  That would be fun to learn about!

 I made my mother in law's delicious German Pancakes with "this will kill you" syrup aka magleby's syrup that is so amazing.  We also had orange muffins, fruit and BACON AND SAUSAGE! This is a delicacy when you live in a muslim country.  
 The men after they filled their bellies
 At night we let the traditional festivities continue.  I made ham, scalloped potatoes and salad for dinner and then we dyed eggs.  
 I attempted something that I saw on Pinterest.  I am either really awful at following directions or this just doesn't work as easily as they made it sound.
 Here is my ugly marbled egg...
 After that attempt, we went back old school.

All in all, it was a great Easter!  
Just a flashback of me last year on Easter.  Prego with Asher! Crazy how time flies...check out those bunny cheeks! Loved this time in my life.

1 comment:

kim huish said...

What a great Easter! Benton just walked in the room and I said, "Look at Asher!" and Benton said, "Bowtie!". Haha. Can't wait to get a picture of the boys together! So glad you guys had such a wonderful day. Love you!

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