Monday, March 12, 2012

Fit it in...

This weekend was a true test. Real life vs. exercise.

Asher got sick (yet again), Ryan was out of town and the weather was a bit dreary.  When Asher is sick I don't want to take him to daycare at the gym and when Ryan is out of town there is no one to leave him with. Friday was warm enough to take Asher out on a little walk/jog along the water. It wasn't anything intense but sometimes I think an enjoyable stroll is just as beneficial because it does something warm and fuzzy to my insides. That sounds cheesy. Please say you know what I'm talking about? It just feels good to get out, enjoy the fresh air and still get in some exercise. Saturday was another story. Asher was running a fever and throwing up which workout. (dun dun dunnnnn....) BUT I didn't beat myself up about not getting in a workout because sometimes it just isn't possible.  This is the whole point of this challenge. I'm doing this in my real life.  Still being a full-time mommy and wife while trying to fit in a realistic exercise schedule. 

Today is the beginning of a new week. Ryan is home but Asher is still a little bit sick and I still don't feel comfortable taking him to daycare.  Ryan has a very interesting schedule. Most days I barely see him because of two practices and the time it takes him to commute.  Usually I like to go to the gym during his first practice and then be home to spend time together before he heads out for a second practice.  He is usually home for about two hours.  If it weren't for Ryan giving me a little nudge I wouldn't have gotten out the door today.  We did a quick hand off of Asher the second he walked in the door and I did a timed workout. Ryan even said "Ready, set, go!" (He knows I get clingy to him and I need a little help to leave.)  I wanted to make it fast but worthwhile. I wanted to get back asap so that I could enjoy at least an hour with Ryan.  I set my watch for 30 minutes. I walked three minutes and then ran as far and fast as I could for 14 minutes.  When my watch hit 17 minutes I turned around and sprinted home.  It equaled out to be a 30 minute run and I ran 3.25 miles.  Timing myself was fun and it made it a fun challenge to see how far I could run in a short amount of time. Once I got back to my apartment building instead of taking the elevator I took the stairs. I live on the 16th floor.  My buns were burning!! I was home in a total of 37 minutes.  I still had time to hang out with Ryan and we did our hundredpushups challenge! My max today was 50 pushups!! I am so happy with that number! My point of this whole post is two things...

A: Sometimes you just can't get a workout in because real life gets in the way so don't beat yourself up. Just pick it up RIGHT when you get the chance. Don't ruin the good thing you had going.  Just because you missed a day it doesn't mean you have to miss two weeks.

B: When you can get a workout in whether it be 3 hours or 37 minutes a workout is a workout!  I felt great, my day has been great and I really enjoyed my workout! It's all about just fitting it in and making it work whatever your schedule or time allotment may be.

Today is Day 1 of Week 2 on the hundredpushups challenge. It isn't too late to start! My mom is doing this and she is in her 50's folks.  GET ON IT! 

A post without pictures is pretty boring and so here are two pictures of my little buddy on our walk this weekend.  Luckily, this was before the snotty nose and fever began. Yes, he is waving...I love him.

Happy Monday!


Stefanie Bell said...

Your so good, keep up your good work!! One day I will be able to run 3.5 miles in 30 mins.. haha my max is about 2 miles in 30 mins.. lame I know! I will get there!!! Love Ashers pics, and he got more sick??! Poor little guy!!

Megan Marie said...

way to go mama! i love him jess, snotty nose or not!

my armpits kill from those dang push ups. tanner keeps saying. you only did like 7 and it wasn't all at one time. pssh, that guy! haha

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