Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Weekend fun + Monday

Ryan had two games this week which means a lot of headphone wearing for Asher. We love going to games and seeing Ryan play.  He has been playing great and had 16 then 21 points this week. 

 Asher loves his Turkish friends.  This girl (Ahsen) loves Asher and makes sure to come find him after every single game.  Her dance studio performs at a bunch of games and her Aunt works for the team.  She is so adorable!
 Asher tried feeding himself spaghetti for the first time. It was hilarious to watch him and I think more noodles ended up in his lap instead of his mouth.
 That chunk of tomato sat on his chest the entire time he ate. I think he was trying to save it for later.

 Asher could tell Ryan didn't want him to get him dirty and he kept swatting at him trying to get spaghetti on him.  Check out those noodles stuck to his chubby legs.
 Two NATO families came to the game this past weekend. We love when friends come! Asher loves all of the kids and I want to adopt Abby because she takes care of Asher and I don't have to do a thing. He is mesmerized by her.  The only problem is that Asher almost weighs as much as her...

 Asher showing off in daddy's shades.
 Ryan finally had a day off and so we did as much as possible! We went to McDonald's in the morning for breakfast, got our teeth cleaned (American dentist! woop woop), ate Subway for lunch, went on a walk, went to the park, did bubbles and ate steak stir fry for dinner.  It was a fantastic day off!  Asher was perfect the entire day and loved when we did bubbles and went to the park.  He finally fits in the swings here! Kind of. He didn't look at me one time when he was in the swing.  He liked watching two girls play volleyball.
 Asher now gets the concept of popping bubbles and loved having Ryan run him around to poke them.

 He would get so excited every time they came close to a bubble and he would kick his legs incredibly fast.  He kicked so fast and hard that he got both a shoe and a sock off of his feet.
 Such a cutie.  Love his blue eyes!
He doesn't ever like to sit with his legs straight in the stroller.  One has to always be dangling off the side or hanging up over the bar.  Silly baby.

It was a great weekend + Monday! Did I mention that it was 65 degrees on Sunday and Today it is 70 degrees? Fabulous!


Kim said...

What a great day! And you even motivated this lazy pregnant girl to get off her butt and get some exercise (the nice weather didn't hurt either). With all your posts, I'm remembering how hard it was for me to get my body back in shape after delivering so I'm hoping to not dig myself too big of a hole! Love you!

sherrie said...

Good job Ryan!

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